Sunday, March 15, 2009

May Now Be Looking at DECEMBER???!!!!

Well, I got the latest newsletter from our agency and we were told that due to a huge number of applications last late summer to fall, we may be looking at 14 months of total waiting. I have to say that I am heartbroken. What is two more months? It is two more months of going with no control over anything, two more months of waiting for a name then waiting three months to travel, two more months of not having a child. Two more months which leaves me asking, "Did we make the right decision?" "Maybe we should have done domestic adoption." "Maybe we should have gone with another agency." "Maybe we should have gone with another country." Two months, when we have been waiting for so long, feels like a life-time!
But what choice do we have? We wait. And pray that God will maybe speed up time or work with the system to get more needed orphans homes of love!

A Prayer to Guide Us Through This

Susan had lunch with a friend who shared this prayer with her:

Please infuse my being with your light--surround me with your love, that I may be lifted up and carried by your grace. Whisper into my thinking the inspiration that will help me through this. Help me be clear and calm. Embolden my heart with the courage to stay present and connected, for I know that in your presence lies my healing. I ask you to guide me-and everyone involved in this situation-every step of the way. Lift my spirit into a higher vibration that I may grow from this experience and become my greatest potential. Let there be a miracle. I am open and willing to have a miracle occur. Let the healer rise and take charge. I thank you in advance as I know that it is already so.