Sunday, August 31, 2008

Prayers for the Death of our Baby Boy

Well, we got a sad phone call yesterday. The minister who had been working with us and with the birth mother called to let us know the birth mother's water broke yesterday and the baby died. It was due to an infection and nothing could be done. The baby was a boy. Our hearts are sad --not only for us for for the birth mother too. John and I are refusing to let this get us down and so we are continuing with the Ethiopian adoption. Keep the birth mother and us in your prayers as we keep moving forward.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

And the Lesson is...

John and I met with the birth mother Sunday night. It was a great meeting. We felt an instant connection to this young lady and I think we all felt better after having talked and shared. So, as of today, we are all going through with things. I am waiting to hear from the lawyer about our next steps. Our Ethiopian adoption will go on hold and I've just decided to give up trying to control whether our forms and paperwork will last until we can adopt from Ethiopia (we have to wait at least one year before adopting again). It wouldn't be the first time we lost some money in this process. So, the lesson for us is...Quit trying to control this process and enjoy the ride. Easier to write than do, but so far, when we have tried to manipulate or control paperwork, government forms, and process we have been diverted in a new direction.

Everyone is asking if it will be an open or closed adoption. We aren't sure. But we already feel like we were brought into this birth mother's life and to completely forget about that just doesn't feel good. Those are details we will work out as we go along. Could she change her mind? Yes. But right now, she feels sure she will go through with it. We all have to learn not to judge her and try to empathize with her in this situation too.

We are excited about this new direction. So, we begin to think about a nursery, cloth diapers (yes, I said cloth), car seats, and long nights. And we pray (a lot) for God to be working with our birth mother and our baby that they both are healthy and feeling God's peace for a huge transition in all our lives.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Connections Made!

An update in our world of adoption mania!

We have been approached by a young lady (through a minister friend of Susan's) to be parent for her baby (due in January). We have not met this young woman yet. We hope to on Sunday. We have talked with a lawyer and after meeting her on Sunday we hope to have some clarity as whether to proceed with this private adoption or not. This all happened very interestingly. Susan was at Camp Meeting ( and ran into a minister-friend who said, "Hey, Susan. Someone told me you would know who I could direct a young woman to who is interested in giving her baby up for adoption. Who can she go to?" Susan responded, "Us! Send her to us." The minister-friend had no idea we were going through adoption and we all felt like this was a God-directed moment. We are honored and humbled to be part of this process with this young lady and pray for discernment and guidance.

We have decided to continue with Ethiopia adoption and we are not quite sure what will happen with this. When we are firm with whether or not we will pursue this private adoption then we will contact our agency, CHSFS, and ask for their guidance. Our hope is that it would delay Ethiopia and we may have to update a few documents but not do the ENTIRE SET OF PAPERWORK ALL OVER AGAIN!!!!!

So there is the latest. Ain't life funny? We don't realize just how connected we really all are!

Monday, August 18, 2008

Famine in Ethiopia

Here is a news report on the famine in Ethiopia from USAToday.

Some would view this and say, "Aren't we blessed." I see this and think, "we ought to be ashamed that our neighbors are starving and we are overweight." Today, I say a prayer and ask God, "What can I do to help others? What can I do to share with others in need? Who can I speak to to make sure people are not going without the basic necessity of food?" I am reminded of Jesus saying, "When you did it to the least of these, you did it to me. When you did not do it to the least of these, you did not do it to me."

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Let the Dossier Begin!

Well we have officially been approved into the Ethiopia Program and now we are gathering all the necessary paperwork for the dossier. This is the packet of documents which goes to the country. Needless to say, the list is LONG and exhausting. But, so far, we have been able to check off quite a few of the needed documents! This process makes it feel very real and like we are somewhat "pregnant!" without the morning sickness!
We are always amazed at the "underground network" of adopting parents out there. It seems that we have already been connected with so many people. Reminds us of what a small world it really is.
John and I decided to clarify our number of children and ages in which we will adopt. We have settled on siblings, one or two children, ages infant to three. We figure this will keep our hands full enough!
Everyone always wants to know, "So, when will it happen?" We aren't exactly sure, but in looking at other people's experiences and timelines, we are imagining that this time next year we will have our children at home or will be getting ready to fly over to get them. Pray for Summer '09 to hurry up and get here!

A Prayer to Guide Us Through This

Susan had lunch with a friend who shared this prayer with her:

Please infuse my being with your light--surround me with your love, that I may be lifted up and carried by your grace. Whisper into my thinking the inspiration that will help me through this. Help me be clear and calm. Embolden my heart with the courage to stay present and connected, for I know that in your presence lies my healing. I ask you to guide me-and everyone involved in this situation-every step of the way. Lift my spirit into a higher vibration that I may grow from this experience and become my greatest potential. Let there be a miracle. I am open and willing to have a miracle occur. Let the healer rise and take charge. I thank you in advance as I know that it is already so.