Thursday, March 25, 2010

The Switch Has Been Made

John and I have decided to pull out of Ethiopia and switch to pursuing a domestic adoption. We made this decison based on a few things. One, the now two trips to Ethiopia is a huge issue. One can't just jump on a plane and travel an extra trip to Ethiopia without spending a lot of money doing it! But that wasn't the sole reason. We also just felt our heart moving away from adopting internationally and personally wanted to pursue an adoption closer to home.

We have chosen to go with an adoption consultant firm that will help us navigate the possibilities. Our profile will have the opportunity to be shared with lots of working agencies and lawyers, many in adoption-friendly states. Our homestudy is being changed (once again) and that puts us even a few more steps ahead and ready. We also have chosen to be able to accept a baby-on-the-ground which means a baby who is born and needs us to get on a plane and go in 24 hours to pick him/her up.

We feel good about this decision. Money aside, this decision seems to fit us well. So, we are now in a different gear. A gear that could mean we get matched quickly. Time to get that crib and some diapers. And time to get serious about name possibilities.


Cindy said...

I am so happy for you both. I hope that the rest of your journey is quick and amazing :)

Cami said...

So glad you are at peace with your decision! Best wishes to you. I look forward to following your journey!

A Prayer to Guide Us Through This

Susan had lunch with a friend who shared this prayer with her:

Please infuse my being with your light--surround me with your love, that I may be lifted up and carried by your grace. Whisper into my thinking the inspiration that will help me through this. Help me be clear and calm. Embolden my heart with the courage to stay present and connected, for I know that in your presence lies my healing. I ask you to guide me-and everyone involved in this situation-every step of the way. Lift my spirit into a higher vibration that I may grow from this experience and become my greatest potential. Let there be a miracle. I am open and willing to have a miracle occur. Let the healer rise and take charge. I thank you in advance as I know that it is already so.